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Project information

DSO Observatory: Study and systematic investigation for distribution system operators in the field of smart grid project development

November 2014 - November 2015

Funding entity Comisión Europea - Joint Research Center / IET

The main aims of this project are to provide public access to basic data and reference
networks representative of real networks belonging to the Distribution System
Operators (DSOs) in the European Union (EU), and to use the reference networks to
several case examples including increased Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
penetration and storage.
The project includes the three main tasks requested in the tender
JRC/PTT/2014/F.3/0031/OC by the Joint Research Center- Institute for Energy and Transport - of the European Commission:
- Task 1: overview of existing research.
- Task 2. Set up of an inventory of European DSOs.
- Task 3. Expanding the basic DSO inventory and building reference networks.

Project funded by European Union:

Technical report: G. Prettico, F. Gangale, A. Mengloni, A. Lucas, and G. Fulli "Distribution system operators observatory. From European electricity distribution systems to reference network", European Commission,EUR 27927 EN, 2016.